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staffy stiff back legs

However, these shakes are localized to his or her back legs. You may notice that he begins to show lameness in his legs or has difficulty getting up from lying down. During a seizure, the shaking tends to be rather violent and is a clear indicator of a problem. A dog’s body temperature is higher than that of a human but it doesn’t mean they don’t suffer from being cold as well. This comes as a result of deterioration and weakness. This staffy does not like being out on the balcony and has learned that the owner will let him in if he makes himself shake: Severe pain or illness can cause a staffy to shake. ...⁣⠀ Muscle or ligament strain. Sometimes, the tremors may be in the front legs, as well. This is down to the anticipation and adrenaline release in their bodies as they get excited. She also had a … slipped disc; Cat flu (can cause lameness in kittens) A dislocation (hip, shoulder, ankle or toe) Osteochondrosis (cartilage problems) 'Aortic Thromboembolism': a blood clot affecting one or both back legs. It seems like what you need to do is show your staffy that having this person around does not present any danger nor is it a bad experience. @smilingstaffy Who else's dog is their best friend. Replies: 2 Views: 2447 March 30, 2016, 01:48:32 pm by fsmnutter: Sheep with paralysis in the back legs. We don't as a general policy investigate the solvency of companies mentioned (how likely they are to go bust), but there is a risk any company can struggle and it's rarely made public until it's too late (see the. @smilingstaffy ☀ Sun's out, tongues out! Random Acts of Kindness and All things Positive! For example, if a pup has learned that shaking or shivering gets him attention or play time, they will start to shake anytime they feel bored or neglected. Thus article is here to provide you with some information about how you can tell the difference between “normal” shaking and a shaking that could be a symptom of something more serious. But trembling can also be a sign of other issues such as pain. Started by bugsym00. It came one really quickly, and we took him to the vet and was told that he would have to be on Metacam for the rest of … I adopted a two years old staffy, I also have a two-year-old cat, she started shaking when she hard the cat crying to be released from a room upstairs, ears perked up, she started shaking and sat on my lap. Wet and dry food but now he has gone off the wet food. If you’re staffy is shaking and there is not obvious reason for it to be cold, excited or and it isn’t an old dog with joint weakness, you should consult a vet as soon as you can. To protect your pup from this, ensure your feeding your dog a well-rounded diet. Limping or stiffness usually indicates that something is wrong with your dog’s legs or back. When dogs become weak in their back legs gradually over time it’s mostly linked to genetics and this usually happens in older dogs. My staffie shakes when she sees one person only and hides from him. It can be to get attention or to remind you he needs to feed. Addison disease, kidney failure, white shaker syndrome (more common in small dogs) and inflammatory conditions are all potential causes of shaking or tremors. Knowing these reasons and conditions should give you a better idea of whether or not you need to seek help from your vet if you see your pup shaking. Much like anxiety shakes, you can calm your dog by gently stroking them and distracting from the event that is causing such excitement. Both hips and elbows are at risk for dysplasia, an inherited disease that causes the joints to develop improperly and results in arthritis. Over time, your staffy should get comfortable and approach the person. *Amazon and the Amazon logo are trademarks of, Inc., or its affiliates. The shaking can be severe or mild depending on their level of anxiety. It's as if there were some kind of paralysis, and both legs have not returned to normal since. It's easy to assume that symptoms like shaking legs are due to your dog "just getting older." If a dog is unsure or frightened, it may begin to tremble. Vet said he has upper fixation of the patella. To help Staffy owners identify serious illnesses or diseases in their dog early, we have compiled this brief guide on 4 of the most common diseases that affect Staffies. Stiffness in your Stafford’s elbows or hips may become a problem for him, especially as he matures. Let’s get the obvious out of the way first. ⠀, @smilingstaffy Who loves coming home to be greeted, @smilingstaffy Game over!⚽ ⠀ Started by Gunestone. The hips tend to be problem areas for staffies so tremors in the hind legs are quite common in older dogs. If you notice that your pet's limbs seem particularly rigid and tense, dysplasia may b the culprit. If the temperature of your staffy is anywhere close to 106° F or around 41°C then it has fever and you should seek the help of a vet. My lower back bothers me withing ten minutes of starting walking as well. Favourite answer The first thing I would do is think about taking him to the vet. Being shorter haired, staffies can be more susceptible to the cold weather than other dogs so you should be cautious when walking them for long periods in the colder months. While we put great effort into providing accurate content, it should not be used as a substitute for the advice of a registered veterinary professional. My dog just all of a sudden collapsed. @smilingstaffy Look a the joy on his little face! Check out the video below. Of course, this is just advice based on personal experiences and research. The dislocated kneecap can be caused by trauma or congenital. The hips tend to be problem areas for staffies so tremors in the hind legs are quite common in older dogs. Traveling or being in an unusual environment like a new home (shaking is very likely if you’ve just bought a new puppy home) can spark a level of anxiety in dogs, which could bring on shaking. However, as with most breeds, there are a few hereditary and common problems staffies can develop. The problem develops as a malformation of the ball at the top of their leg and the hip socket. Limping and stiffness can be caused by several different conditions, the … Smiling. Sitting with some kind of toy or small treat might help encourage the dog to approach and also enhance the fact that being with this person is a good experience in the dog’s eyes. What To Do With a Shaking Staffy? ), it should be treated as an emergency and a vet visit is crucial. he doesn't appear to be in pain but his back legs are getting weaker by the day. Other Reclaiming: Mortgage Fees, Council Tax etc, Pensions, Annuities & Retirement Planning, Report Holiday Deals, Bargains & Special Offers, Martin's Blogs & Appearances & MoneySavingExpert in the News. She first developed a limp 4 months back on her front right leg and the vet put her on a course of Metacam with no walking for 2 weeks. When I try and put the harness on my dog she jumps and twists her body and squealing out loud anyone would think I was hurting her enemy whilst walking her she does the same for the first 5 min would this be anxieties it’s painful to see her this way how can I stop this from happening. As dogs get older, some develop tremors in their hind legs. she is reactive to cats, they have met many times but only while the dog has been crated. My horse's back leg is stiff Hi, today when I was working with my quarter horse mare I noticed that her back left leg seems to be stiff. i have her son who's 4 and once in a while he limps when firstwalking in the morning. Since then she has been improving but is showing obvious signs of stiffness … Sometimes the illness or the severe pain in the dog is going through can cause anxiety which can even causes more shaking or shivering. Some toxins can cause convulsion in animals. my staff (my baby) is 9yrs. This site uses Akismet to reduce spam. has started to develop a limp following excercise. Read this if your staffy has Arthritis or Stiff Legs! is she excited or anxious? Shaking of the back legs in your dog is relatively straightforward. We have owned a 3-year old female staffy (Missy) for one year, and I walk her twice a day - each walk being about 3.5 Kms long. Muscles Targeted: The main focus of the dumbbell stiff leg deadlifts are the muscles of the lower back including the quadratus lumborum that causes the lateral movement of the trunk and the lumbar spine.The gluteus medius is also directly involved when the dumbbell stiff leg deadlifts are performed through keeping the hips stable and moving in the full range of movement. Like their human owners, a dog suffering from fever can start shaking and shivering as the body attempts to raise the its internal temperature. One of the most telling indications of canine hip dysplasia is stiffness of the legs. ⠀, @smilingstaffy Has anybody seen my other sock? Pony stiff back legs - YouTube Pony trying to walk with stiff back legs. First, we must differentiate between a seizure and simply shaking or trembling since a seizure is obviously a sign that something is not quite as it should be. You can also keep a closer eye on things by having blood tests performed to display any deficiencies. Always remember anyone can post on the MSE forums, so it can be very different from our opinion. sciatica (irritation of the nerve that runs from the lower back to the feet) – this can cause pain, numbness, tingling and weakness in the lower back, buttocks, legs and feet ankylosing spondylitis (swelling of the joints in the spine) – this causes pain and stiffness that's usually worse in … Canine hip dysplasia is one of the most common health ailments in the American Staffordshire terrier breed. Canine Hip Dysplasia Canine hip dysplasia, or just “CHD”, is a health problem that affects the hip joint of your dog. He was put on antibiotics last month for his skin allergy which upset his stomach. He or she also won't be able to maintain eye contact with you or respond to you in any way. Replies: 7 Views: 4511 July 24, 2017, 02:20:38 pm by Marches Farmer: Lamb unsteady on back legs. I wonder if anyone has any suggestions regarding any dietary supplements that would help alleviate her stiffness. Sometimes, it can be absolutely normal and nothing to worry about but it could also be a sign that something is wrong with your dog. Check his paw pads for cuts or ware. When dogs are cold, their body will try to generate some warmth by shivering, much the same as our body does. That is a strange situation and could be caused by a number of things so is tough for me to offer any concrete suggestions, sorry. Hind leg weakness in senior or old dogs. Encourage the dog to lie on his side. She got very stiff legs to the point where they could not bend. my nine year old staffie cross has suddenly become stiff in her front and back legs.We went on holiday 2 weeks ago and did alot more walking which she seemed to be alright with but then on the Monday she wasn,t able to jump up. When your dog’s hind legs suddenly go weak, there could be any number of causes, says veterinarian Dr. Jules Benson, BVSc, chief veterinary officer with NationwideDVM, a pet insurer company. Loud noises like fireworks or thunderstorms are usual causes of fear. It’s important to be aware of the common health issues among your dog’s breed, whether you already own a staffy … Lamb not using back legs. Usually, the small dogs with short legs and large with long legs are more prone to an ACL injury, which results in limping their back leg. is a participant in the Amazon Services LLC Associates Program, an affiliate advertising program designed to provide a means for sites to earn advertising fees by advertising and linking to In all honesty, it depends. The movements may be small or massive. It is essential that you as the owner of the pup try to ascertain what the issue is so you can handle it or get help from someone who can. You can start by giving your dog the attention it wants throughout the day so it stops feeling the need to use its’ shaking trick for it. Staffies are generally considered to be very healthy dogs overall and rather robust. It was obvious the dog had been mistreated in the past (possibly by someone with a similar look or demeanour as the individual), which likely accounted for this kind of behaviour. This takes patience. And has random shakes. My hips are the worst. Stiff calves tend to be a consequence of either remaining in one position for too long or of overstressing the tissues through exercise. Reassuring your staffy by keeping them close to you and cuddling them can help to ease the anxiety. A dog jacket might also be an idea for winter walks. So he was on meds for that also and not eating any drinking. My 13 yr old staffy randomly started to shake. when he was a pup he fell off a bed and slipped a disc in his back. The rupturing of the anterior cruciate ligament (ACL). Hello everybody, My 3 year old staffy !!!!! Of course, if your dog has a seizure, you need to be in touch with your vet as soon as you can.eval(ez_write_tag([[728,90],'smilingstaffy_com-medrectangle-3','ezslot_3',118,'0','0'])); Of course, not all shaking or trembling is a seizure or a sign of ill-health. I have a 14 year old staffy dog and its back legs are very weak with arteritus they just keep collapseing any miracle - Answered by a verified Veterinarian. Overview. she has no paw injury and dosen't yelp when i move her leg round in its socket, nor when i massage it....i can't figure whats wrong. “Sudden hind limb weakness or paralysis can be a clinical sign of several conditions, including … he was treated by the vet and we had to put him on bed rest (nightmare with a puuppy!) a piece of glass or a grass seed; Patella luxation (knee cap luxation) A spinal problem e.g. Seeing your staffy shaking or trembling can be a worrying experience but is it something you should be concerned about? And that is why it is important to be aware of some of the potential causes for a shaking or trembling dog. It eventually leads for loss of bladder control and paralysis … CORONAVIRUS HELP GUIDES, INCLUDING TRAVEL, FINANCE AND BILLS HELP, HOW YOU CAN DONATE TO A FOODBANK OVER THE FESTIVE SEASON, STRUGGLING WITH DEBT? Staffies are clever dogs and are good at recognizing behavioural patterns. If you don’t have a thermometer to hand, other fever signs to look out for include: A dietary deficiency in important nutrient requirements can lead to shaking and trembling or shivering. I’m not a qualified dog behaviourist so you would always be better off seeking a true expert in that field but I hope it at least helps a bit. ... She got very stiff. Next, gently pull on the paw to extend the leg. This is helpful but worrying, my dog shaking in his back legs is getting worse, the vet says ligaments just pinging and only surgery can help, it’s both back legs, I’m a terrified Mum for my baby, he is starting to bunny hop like my shepherd when her back legs went, my baby is only 8 we need help, but £ pounds is out of my price range, we need help hope someone reads this, without him my life is useless. inside of a dog, it's too dark to read" - Groucho Marx. my 8 year old staffy bitch has been limping, well not putting one of her back legs down a lot in the last 2 weeks, usually after excercise or when she first wakes up. If you’re staffy is shaking and there is not obvious reason for it to be cold, excited or and it isn’t an old dog with joint weakness, you should consult a vet as soon as you can. Something stuck in the foot or leg e.g. Ordinarily, the convulsions can be seen as just shaking and shivering but in actual fact it can be the coming of something much worse. 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