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how to practice seidr

In order to make sense of the collection of beliefs and practices which make up Seiðr, some definitions shall be considered, followed by a look at some of the practices involved and their implications. Recommended reading: I’m triggered by scent. Hrafnar performs seidh at several annual festivals as well as on special occasions. A great deal of this could be classed as theater, but any analysis of the shamanic literature will make the dramatic element in most traditional practices quite clear. Change ), You are commenting using your Twitter account. O.J. write to me at Box 5521, Berkeley, CA 94705. Certainly malevolent magick is described, but for the Seiðr magickian this is more associated with shape shifting, or casting out the fetch. By the time the journeying begins, everyone should be caught up by the momentum of the ceremony. If the first Seer/ess has guided the journey, at this point a second person takes over as Guide. The practice for which we have the most information is called seidh (nominative case in Old Norse, seidhr), which may come from a word meaning “to speak” or “to sing”, or possibly be cognate to the verb “to seethe”, derived from the rituals of salt-boiling (Grimm, III:1047). Today smudging is most familiar from Native American tradition, but the practice of smoking with herbs (called recels) is found in Anglo-Saxon sources and elsewhere in European folklore. This is a blow by blow description of how I do seidr sessions. Seidr – norse shamanic practice Part of Asatru or Forn Sed is the practice of seidr. In Norse mythology, Seidr is the practice of magic and shamanism. Odin sought the aid of seers and seeresses throughout the worlds (Vegtamskvida 2, Gesta First I decide on my intention. With these words from the Havamál we move into the heart of the ritual, preparation for the prophetic trance begins.The seidh journey is powered by the energy raised by dance and drumming, chant and song. You won't be able to reconstruct it. In the orientation, people should be warned to make their questions as simple and specific as possible. as soon as they arrive. Maybe you will get some ideas for your own practices. The Practice of Seidr. Hel appears to include both the horrors of the grave and the beauty of the Undying Lands. Okay it’s a barstool but it’s elevated. If I’m journeying I’ll call on Freyja. Do I want to visit dead people? Student of runes for the last 23 years and seidr for the last seven years. It begins with instructions to relax the limbs, to deepen and regularize the breathing. It also acknowledges various kinds of spirits. The social atmosphere of sharing food also provides a supportive environment in which people can debrief and discuss the interpretation of their answers. Shamans played a very important role in Norse society. Tasting rock salt is helpful in grounding, and distributing it provides an opportunity to make sure that everyone has in fact shifted back to ordinary consciousness. What cultural or anthropological knowledge we have of Seidr comes from mention of it in some of the Icelandic Sagas dating back a thousand years. In practice, each participant interprets the narration through his or her own symbol system, so that each person’s journey is different, although everyone arrives at the same goal. The gods will have to help you with the rest. The presence of a group provides an automatic support network which helps to validate the experience, and the energy and excitement created by group chanting provides extra power to carry the seer/ess into the second level of trance. But the practice of Seidr could also be used in a more sinister way, what we today would call black magic. It’s restful. On the other hand, Odin was himself originally a shamanic deity, who seems to have acquired this magical technique in addition to his mastery of the runes and other lore. What fate does the Völva see? Some symbols are universal, but the visions of individuals in a traditional culture tend to consist of images which other members of that culture can recognize and understand. Then I often will do a rune reading for clarification. Sometimes just the scents can get me going on my way. The etymology of seidhr, however, suggests indigenous development, perhaps retention of Indo-European practice. Your seidr doesn’t get any stronger than your general shamanic work practice: your connection with your spirit allies, your journeying skills and your ability to handle power. In Seidr: The Gate is Open, Katie Gerrard has contributed a major work on the practices of seidr and trance prophecy, providing a practical manual full of dynamic group rituals and techniques based on known Seidr … The seidr developed by Paxson’s Hrafnar group in California is based around this saga, with a journey to the realm of the dead, Hel, as a contemporary innovation based on ancient sources. A session generally ends very suddenly for me. It is this practice which Hrafnar has to date spent the most time in recovering. I don’t need daily practice to go into trance. Beings are called upon while in trance and asked to reveal knowledge. In Seidr: The Gate is Open, Katie Gerrard has contributed a major work on the practices of seidr and trance prophecy, providing a practical manual full of dynamic group rituals and techniques based on known Seidr practices. Individual experiences of this second stage of trance vary, however all agree that a definite shift in consciousness occurs. None of this is strictly necessary for the practice of seidh. Seidr is a shamanic and spiritual practice that has it's origins in antiquity. Seidr could be used to put a curse on a person or make someone deadly ill. Seidr could also be used to bind the will of the warriors in a battle, make them slow, disoriented, and in … Thus 'spinning' or 'twirling' was the meaning showing an obvious association with time keeping and the ancient Lunar Nakshatra system for time keeping. The Guide signals questioners to begin, and signals the end of a sequence. The procedure has undergone many changes during that time, and continues to evolve, but we have now learned enough so that it seems appropriate to share our findings. Several of the seers are able to handle a roomful of questions with minimal assistance. In the center of the Sacred Grove rises Yggdrasil, the world tree. Plus I draw energy from the center of the Earth. The most comprehensive account of a seidh session (or indeed, of any Norse ritual) which survives is the story in section four of the Saga of Erik the Red, in which a Völva comes to one of the settlements in Greenland to prophesy for the community. Green plants flourish there even when in the world it is winter. Seidr appears in Norse texts as a type of magic that was practice by both the gods and humans. Always learning and growing! Next I light some incense. The mysterious term is cognate with French séance, Latin sedere; Old English sittan, and thus with a large group of terms based on the Indo-European root *sed-. Follower of the Nordic Path for the last fifteen years. Then I journal the experience in my vitki book. I’ll just be snapped back into ordinary consciousness once I have gotten what I came for. They are gazing at a tall chair like a throne, but higher and draped with a bearskin, where a veiled figure waits, her body motionless, her face in shadow. Given that we are invading the realm of the spirits for this work, it seems only just that from time to time they should be allowed to have their say. Adding to the number of people sharing the vision seem to increase its intensity. As I have explored the seidr, and included it in my own shamanic practice and teaching, I have found that it has so much to reveal. I’ll keep this up until I find myself slipping into trance. ( Log Out /  Jan Fries regards seidr as a form of "shamanic trembling", which he relates to "seething", used as a shamanic technique, the idea being his own and developed through experimentation. Although the entire group makes the journey to the Underworld together, only the seer takes the further step of going through the gates, and only after formally indicating his or her willingness to do so. The visions may stimulate insights in those who have not yet asked their questions or did not know they had one. A passage from the Lokasenna is of especial interest, since if the verb in the second line is examined carefully, it may provide evidence for Norse use of the shamanic drum. As in traditional societies, an exchange takes place between shaman and people in which the energy of the community enables the shaman to journey farther and faster to bring back the knowledge they need. The practice of seidr was done by both men and women, but when men did it, it was seen as “unmanly”. With Nordic tradition, it is implied that the … Fortsätt läsa → . The practice of seiðr is believed to be a form of magic relating to both the telling and shaping of the future. But the practice of Seidr could also be used in a more sinister way, what we today would call black magic. At an earlier period, both men and women appear to have practiced this craft. However in studying the Eddas, we note that the Voluspá;, BaldersdraumR, and the Shorter Seeress’ Prophecy all recount episodes in which Odhinn journeys to the Underworld to consult the Völva. The greater the need of the querent, the more powerful the vision will be. In order to understand what Hrafnar is trying to do, one needs to know something about Shamanism in general and how it was practiced in the northern lands. “Speak now, seeress, ’till said thou hast. Also gratitude practice, a regular schedule and a connection with our fylge, our spirit guides, ancestors and nature. Also, with mere words he was able to extinguish fires, to calm the seas, and to turn the winds any way he pleased. The strong feminine tradition makes this form of shamanism especially interesting to women. Other practices identified as seidh include raising storms, journeying or battling in animal form, sending a nightmare to kill someone by suffocation in his sleep, and love spells, all things with which shamans in other cultures are credited (or accused of) as well. Such a definitive tradition suggests generations of journeying. Indeed, if the practice is focused on peering upon the web of wyrd itself or to cause change upon it then it is Seidr. And I reground myself. Since this is being done aloud, the rest of the group hears and is carried along on the journey. In the future, we will continue to train more seer/esses, and give them the experience they need to function more and more independently. Then I start drumming. In the Eddas, Odin generally begins by chanting a spell to summon the Völva from her mound, and stating his magical name and powers. I use white sage or mugwort. In Old Norse, seiðr (sometimes anglicized as seidhr, seidh, seidr, seithr, seith, or seid) was a type of magic practiced in Norse society during the Late Scandinavian Iron Age. This pattern is the model for the interaction between the Guide and the seer/ess during Seidh trance. We are also beginning to explore ways of teaching seidh skills to people in other areas. That said, here are a few training suggestions for your inspiration: Find (or get found by) a staff. His body then lay as if sleeping or dead, but he became a bird or a wild beast, a fish or a dragon, and journeyed in the twinkling of an eye to far-off lands, on his own errands or those of other men. You can read more in THE LEGACY OF SEIDR and KEEP IT CLOSE TO NATURE. S/he also maintains sufficient rapport with the Seer/ess to tell when the Seer/ess is tiring and end the session. Evidence for activities similar to those of later shamans can be seen in the Paleolithic cave paintings. Sometimes I just connect with Odin and he speaks wisdom. Despite the fact that others lead the journey, the role of the querent should not be a passive one. For some, the stimulus of a question is required for images to form, others begin to see spirits etc. Seidh allows a shaman, or seer, to use a single journey to see for many people in a way which recreates the culturally supportive environment of a traditional setting. In addition to assisting in personal growth, our purpose has been to demonstrate the validity of the shamanic tradition of Northern Europe, and to serve the larger pagan community to which we belong as the Völvas of Scandinavia served their people. I just get into trance and see how things unfold. Originally published in Mountain Thunder, Summer, 1993. Of course there are times when I get into trance and the goal switches if I get signs or messages that I’m to do something else. Also gratitude practice, a regular schedule and a connection with our fylge, our spirit guides, ancestors and nature. Although Loki’s daughter Hella, who rules it, is in part a goddess of death and decay, the other side of her face is young and beautiful. So I at least start out with a goal. Participants will be introduced to the history, cosmology, and modern practice of seiðr – an ancient oracular trance-mediumship practice from the Germanic/Norse regions of Europe. Other terms for the practitioner of seidh would be seidhkona, spákona, or for … The practitioner will never chant for himself or herself if it can be avoided. Runic John in England and Jan Fries in Germany regard seidr as a loose term for shamanistic practice. Maybe you picked up a tip from this. Roles include that of the Seer/ess, the Guide, one or more Wardens to assist in getting seers in and out of the chair and recovering as well as watching out for problems in the group as a whole, and of course, the people who are asking the questions. This could be a scene from the world of our ancestors, but in fact the ritual described above took place at a pagan festival in Northern California. One or more of the participants may orient and balance the group by honoring the directions and the local nature spirits. Lee M. Hollander, University of Texas, 1986. The purpose of the practice is to help people get rid of tensions and preoccupations that would prevent them from focusing on the work at hand. These were no ordinary soldiers; the initiation rituals, fighting techniques, and other spiritual practices of these bands [17] were such that their members could be aptly characterized as “warrior-shamans.” The divine guide and inspiration of such men was the same as for the seidr-workers: Odin. Trying to talk about all of it would be an entire book. According to Blain, seidr is an intrinsic part of spiritual practice connecting practitioners to the … Jan Fries regards seidr as a form of "shamanic trembling", which he relates to "seething", used as a shamanic technique, the idea being his own and developed through experimentation. This whole essay shall illustrate examples found in the myths of Northern Europe. The practice of spá, pronounced spoh, and also known as spá-craft or spae-craft, is often mistaken for seiðr or lumped into the same practice. Very important step in any work in the other realms. Seidr is the intriguing and powerful early Norse system of shamanistic trance practices. The form of divination described above is one of a group of practices referred to as Seidh, which bear a strong resemblance to activities which in other cultures are called Shamanism. Some might see the practice of Seidr in the hypnotic chanting around a fireplace. In this article we will look at seidr from the inside, from the perspective of the shamanic practitioner, and focus on what the seidr tradition has to offer and teach us here and now. Once I am in trance I can begin to do the work at hand. a Seidr worker and it also states that “he was a thief, and in other respects a very wicked man.” It should not be thought that the telling of fortunes is considered an immoral practice within the Odinic faith. Using the Eddas, sagas, and even analysis of practices banned by early Christianity, we begin to build a picture of the Seidr men and women of ancient times. As a Seidr, I hope to help others find their Way, to navigate through the realms of consciousness, to point to tools they can use to expand awareness and improve attention. Voices raise together in song to invoke a particular energy. Interestingly enough, we have found that a vision will sometimes answer more than one question — the one that triggered it, and a question which someone else in the group is waiting to ask. The seidr developed by Paxson’s Hrafnar group in California is based around this saga, with a journey to the realm of the dead, Hel, as a contemporary innovation based on ancient sources. Good preparation for seiðr is singing, shamanic counselling, finding your staff, or befriending a powerplace in nature. So I at least start out with a goal. Each of these functions is important, and each requires preparation and training. In fact only if there are a number of people seeking information of this kind does it make sense to put on such an elaborate ceremony. In Laxdælasaga, a seidh staff is found in a grave believed to be that of a völva. According to Blain, seidr is an intrinsic part of spiritual practice connecting practitioners to the wider cosmology in British Germanic Neopaganism. In any case, the querent is more likely to remember and understand advice received in this way. Participants should have proficiency with entering altered states of consciousness (journey methods, active dreaming, ceremony, meditation, etc.) Seer and querents have already been placed in rapport by journeying together; the seer uses his or her skills to reach a level of consciousness in which information and images can be accessed with great efficiency, but the questions, especially those coming from complete strangers, evoke the images, and validate the seer’s belief in his or her skills. The practice of Seidr as defined by many is the practice of peering onto the Web of Wyrd (web of reality) and altering its course of motion. The practice of Nordic witchcraft/magic The practice of Seidr was mostly used to do good and help the people, and Seidr was not just used in rituals to contact the spirits, it was also used on daily basis, it could be used to heal wounds, create happiness or to control the weather. We always try to have food and drink available afterward to continue this process and replace expended energy. High Seat Seið and the Core Oracular Method. THE “HEALER” RITUAL CAULDRON CANDLE has been created to assist you in your emotional, physical, mental and spiritual … In Seidr: The Gate is Open, Katie Gerrard has contributed a major work on the practices of seidr and trance prophecy, providing a practical manual full of dynamic group rituals and techniques based on known Seidr practices. The important features of the seidh rite in Erik’s Saga are as follows: The Völva was an itinerant priestess, requested to come to the steading to divine for them when the current famine would end. How to say seidrmadr in English? [2] To do this, the practitioner, with ritual distaff in hand,[3] entered … Continue reading Seidr → Both women and men have been trained and seem to function equally well. As I have explored the seidr, and included it in my own shamanic practice and teaching, I have found that it has so much to reveal. A fifty-something Vitki living in the suburbs of Chicago. So I at least start out with a goal. She wore a special costume, consisting of a blue cloak ornamented with stones, a necklace of glass beads, a cap of black lambskin lined with white catskin, catskin gloves, and calfskin shoes. Whatever your needs may be, SEIDR CANDLE has artistically and thoughtfully designed a tool to help define your practice. Please join me in experiencing Seidr as a solo practice, a Nature Practice and a community practice. The process is essentially interactive. Please, if you happen to know any knowledge of magic within the Asatru/Nordic Pagan branch, please list them and give some info on how to practice. Hogyan kell mondani Seidr Angol? However by far the most common use of the term seidh is in reference to a ritual in which the seeress (völva or seiðkona) sits on a platform or high seat (seidhjallr), goes into trance and prophesies for the community. The more open the querent is to the experience, the more powerful the answer. However, like shamans in traditional societies, in Hrafnar we have found that when one is working with a group, a certain amount of dramatic technique increases the effectiveness of the process. Seidr – norse shamanic practice Part of Asatru or Forn Sed is the practice of seidr. I use white sage or mugwort. Fill in your details below or click an icon to log in: You are commenting using your account. According to Stephen Glosecki. Change ), You are commenting using your Facebook account. What my intention was. Recently ive been called to this path, the one of my ancestors, and while ive studied carefully the sagas and read a lot of the books being recommended on the heathenry/asatru forums I cant seem to find a practical SEIDR reference on which to base my practices. The present account is intended to serve only as an introduction — those who are seriously interested in learning this technique are invited to write to me at Box 5521, Berkeley, CA 94705. use the contact form on this site. and if there is room, dance in a line or spiral which becomes a circle again, or only the seer/esses may dance. Take several questions at a time with some support will induce the seidkona to a as. Extremely accurate, and also answered many questions for members of the future strong beat to which all may,. Sacred herbs used for the seiðr magickian this is indeed true Saami people rune for... The oldest type of concentration aid was practice by Jan Fries in Germany regard as! 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